

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: On-The-Go Items

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: On-The-Go Items

Some items I’d recommend for when you are on the go - either traveling or just shufflin’ around your neighborhood:

Car Seat

Nuna Pipa Infant Car Seat & Base $330

Okay, first, I should note that you will only use an infant car seat for around a year. One things to consider is whether your car seat is compatible with your stroller. I would recommend it is. You can buy adapters if it’s not. I wish I had done that.

I wanted this car seat because it ranked high in comfort, sustainability and safety. It’s not cheap though. There are MANY great car seats out there so I’m not beholden to this particular brand. If you have two cars, I would definitely recommend getting a second base.

Car Seat Compatible Stroller

UppaBaby Vista Stroller - $999

My car seat (above) did not clip into my stroller. You can get adapters for ~$50 new (or much less used) for most strollers but, for some reason, I didn’t do that. Not my smartest move. I will also say that strollers are expensive and they are bulky. If you can get a used one from a friend, do it. I’m already about to get a smaller, more lightweight stroller that’ll be easier to load/unload and my daughter is only one so I’m glad I accepted a hand-me-down. (It was an Uppababy though, so, it was a pretty nice hand-me-down!)

Baby Carrier

ErgoBaby Omni Dream - $199

You’re definitely going to want a baby carrier of some kind. This one can hold babies from 7-45 pounds and can be worn in 4 styles. ErgoBaby is a very reputable brand and has thought of all the little design details to make these work well for parents and their little ones. They also have a buy-back and restoration program for previously loved carries. This would be a great item to get gently used from a friend because they hold up so well.

Fabric Wrap

Solly Wraps $69-$76

My friends who have more than one kid definitely used these more than I did. They were nice for around the house and walking outside in nice weather though. Being hands free for periods of time is a gift when they are really little. Another perk is that this position can be very calming for babies so there were times when we used this just to help our daughter take a nap.

Solly is a great brand with high-quality, sustainable fabric. There are also plenty of great other brands so you could definitely seek out other styles or price-points without losing the functionality.

Pack ‘n Play

BABYBJÖRN Travel Crib Light $225

I would consider Pack’n Plays an OPTIONAL registry item unless you see yourself traveling to cottages/cabins/airbnbs or doing overnights at your friends or families. Most hotels can provide cribs or pack’n’plays.

We got one from a friend and have definitely used it but this could certainly be something you “wait and see” before purchasing. Putting it on here if you already know you’ll be doing overnights without access to cribs/pack ‘n plays.

Table Chair

Inglesina Fast Table Chair $79

I wouldn’t put this as an essential item but I’m mentioning it as an option. We have this and bring it with us to any location we don’t expect to have a height chair, like a friends or family members’ house that doesn’t have young kids. It’s not the most packable item so we don’t typically bring it with us for a casual dinner out but we certainly have.

Other items you might want to consider adding to your list:

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Bath Time

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Bath Time

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Feeding Items

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Feeding Items