

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Clothing & Accessories

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Clothing & Accessories

I was not always the hand-me-down queen that I am today. Baby clothes changed that for me. When our daughter was born there would be some days we’d rotate through five outfits. And, not to be so cliché, but I would literally blink and she wouldn’t fit into her clothes anymore. They grow so quick in the first year. You definitely want to get some clothes that you love or that you want to put your tot in for special occasions but I’d strongly recommend being open to coworkers/friends/neighbors who offer some gently used options for those early months. It’s likely their kid may have only worn them a time or two.


WubbaNub Infant Pacifier $16

This is the top of my list because these little guys are my favorite. The nipple is silicone (Latax, BPA, PVC and Phthalate free!) and you can toss them in the wash to clean them. Our daughter loves hers and so did my nieces and nephew, who also had them. She RARELY picked up any other binkies (as we refer to them). She did use the infant binky she got from the hospital for her first few weeks/months but we swapped her to this ~3 months.


Friends, I saw the “zippers only!” memes and read the joking-but-serious-angry comments on parenting instagram posts about buttons being the bain of their existence. I still didn’t listen. I was wrong. A few snap outfits, sure, fine, but for those early months, do yourself a favor and keep things easier with zippers or even the new magnetic onesies. I recently saw a post from a trusted source on eco-friendly clothing brands and many also happened to be the brands I also like: Colored Organics, Hanna Andersson, Kyte Baby, Monica + Andy, plus a few more I haven’t tried yet: Le Petit Organic, Baby Moi and Finn + Emma.

My rec for number of onesies would be: One Preemie to bring to the hospital (just in case your babe is a tiny little nugget), ~five Newborn onesies, ~five 0-3 Months, ~five 3-6 Months, ~five 6-9 Months. (They sleep and live in them for a while!) BabyList has a good guide as well.

A Special Outfit (or two!)

Find an outfit or two that you love that you’ll want to take some photos of your new little love in! Whether you decide to do a formal photo shoot or not, you’ll still appreciate having a few photos in something you picked out with love!

Muslin Swaddle

Little Unicorn Cotton Muslin Swaddle 3pk $35

We used muslin swaddles exclusively for those first days out of the hospital. Once we were no longer swaddling our daughter in these we always had one in her diaper bag and they came in handy often. It’s the perfect weight to use as a breastfeeding cover, to block the sun on a stroller ride or to put on the ground for some added protection if you’re on the go.

Velcro Swaddle

Halo Sleepsack Swaddle $22

Swaddles confused the hell out of me. There are a bajillion options and everyone swears by a different one. The Halo Sleepsack was our favorite, primarily because it was so user-friendly. We definitely rotated through a few though. Every baby responds differently to them, so don’t worry if one style doesn’t land with yours. (These are great items to get used from friends for that very reason!)

Another Swaddle

Love To Dream Swaddle UP Original 1.0 TOG $32

This was the runner-up in our favorite swaddles. It was also incredibly easy to put on. (Our daughter always wiggled out of our sloppily-done wraps within minutes!) Although your baby will 100% look like they are snoozin’ in a straight jacket, it turns out many little ones like to have their arms up like this. Ours did.


Burt’s Bees Baby - Solid Crew Socks - 6pk $12

My baby lived in onesies with feet for her first few months but it was still nice to have some socks on hand. Once they start to walk (but aren’t yet wearing shoes a whole lot) you’ll definitely want socks with little grippers to help with their stability. These 100% organic cotton socks from Burt’s Bees are a nice option but there are also a ton of fun bright colored ones out there.

Bathing Suit

H&M UPT 50 Sun Protection Set $26

Only add this if you have plans to be in the pool with your baby early on. Otherwise they might outgrow it before they end up needing it. If you DO decide to get one, the more coverage the better. H&M and Tea Collection both have some nice options.

Baby Bunting

Primary - Baby Park Puffer Suit $54

Depending on the season your baby is born - and the climate where you live - baby bunting is great for keeping them warm before they are ready to truly play in the cold weather. You could always get a “stroller bunting” that slips right into the seat. You don’t really need both.

Patagonia (a brand I do love) has a great option if you think you’ll be outdoors a fair amount. They are kind of pricey though so if you’re looking for a deal, check out Patagonia’s “wornwear” store for lightly used options - or Ebay usually has a good selection! If you don’t anticipate you’ll need this often, Primary and others have more affordable options. (And are made from 100% recycled material.)

Sun Hat

Etsy, Alissah Threads $26

A cute sun hat is not only an adorable accessory but super practical because babies are so sensitive to the sun. There are a lot of options on Etsy, but this shop is one of my faves. Just remember that babies grow FAST so be mindful of the size your buying based on the time of year.

A few other things to consider:

  • Shoes - Shoes are really just for looks until your baby is walking. We got a few pair from friends and they looked cute but I probably wouldn’t have bought them myself.

  • Mittens (for outdoors) - If it’ll be chilly where you live when your baby is little it wouldn’t hurt to add a little pair of mittens to your list.

  • Mittens (for scratching) - Some babies really love touching their face and when they are super little those nails can get sharp. (Even if it feels like you’re cutting them constantly.) Little cotton mittens can help out. If you decide not to get them, a hack I learned from daycare was to simply use an extra sock!

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Play & Activity

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Play & Activity

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Nursery & Decor

Building Your Values-Based Baby Registry: Nursery & Decor