

Flannel Fail

Flannel Fail

Last night I was snow-blowing my driveway and after two swipes of the sidewalk I was about to do a third when my blower cut out. I tried to re-start it to no avail. I tried the choke. I tried this little button thing that sometimes helps it start, although I have no clue what it is. That was where my trouble-shooting ideas stopped. This group of twenty-something guys who live a few houses down from me and whose wardrobe is almost exclusively flannel and, from what I can tell, whose #1 hobby is smoking cigarettes, were watching me try to figure this out. After a few minutes of pulling that damn cord I naturally started to feel embarrassed that I couldn't get the thing going so I just decided to let it cool off for a minute and shovel the rest of the way before I quit. As I was shoveling I was thinking to myself that it should be outlawed that people can wear flannel and smoke cigarettes and try to portray themselves all manly if they are going to literally just WATCH their neighbors struggle. 

Today, I watched as those little Al Borlands tried to push their very-stuck car out of the driveway as I backed out with ease. Suckas!

The 28 Highlight Reel

The 28 Highlight Reel

Simple as That

Simple as That