

Two Years on  Glenwood

Two Years on Glenwood

Two years ago I opened the doors to my lovely new (old) Eastown home. Two years doesn’t seem that long but it sure feels like a lot has happened in 24 months inside these 99-year-old walls. Since moving in I’ve shared this address with two naughty dogs and three unique individuals who challenged my perspectives, occasionally laughed at my jokes, and in the end, whom I learned a significant amount from. I have eaten insanely delicious authentic fried rice from a happenstance Chinese roommate, had pretend-parenting slumber parties with kids that I adore, and hosted 21 visitors from around the country. From my kitchen table campaigns have been launched and champagne has been popped. There have been moments of hilarity and moments of heartbreak. There have been quiet nights on a tiny little couch, and others where the cops had to drop by to recommend we turn the music down. There has been fresh paint, new lights, and a lot of positive vibes. Makes me wonder about all the life that happened in here during the 97 years before I ever opened this door...

SSC "Experience"

SSC "Experience"

Turning 28

Turning 28